Possibly transitioning from employment to entrepreneur. Toying with a side hustle. The business equivalent of dressing up in 'grown up' clothes as a child. A pretender is trying 'business owner' on. Best of intentions.
Looking for structure. Cloning someone else's business, passion, way of working, way of communicating with clients, and attempting to mimic or model their success directly over onto your business. Possibly, with success. Or not.
Running a passion business. There's a fire in their heart that cannot be extinguished. Have a different business that needs to exist for the world. BUT business strategy is still 'vanilla' e.g. FB group, regular 'lives', webinars etc.
Take that REBEL heart on fire and elevate it to ROCKSTAR by applying an organised and coherent business framework that clearly communicates your passion. Inject spontaneity, creativity energy and shine.
If you are ready to change the world but are stuck playing small in a vanilla marketing space in an industry that needs a BIG shake up, you are in the right place.
Using the multi-award-winning Think RAPT® framework, we will untangle your expert brain spaghetti and birth a suite of IP collateral!
This is for you if you know you can do more, be more and make more money doing things your way!
The quickest way to stand out in a vanilla marketplace is by being ROCKY ROAD!